Shohin Bonsai

These shohin bonsai trees have achieved the owner’s vision for that tree. They’re still growing, improving – and may change dramatically in the future as the owner recognizes a different vision for the tree. These bonsai are less than 10 inches tall.

Coastal Redwood – Sequoia sempervirens

This little tree is considered a Shohin which means the height of the actual tree is under 10″. 

It is designed in an Informal Upright style.

The tree was purchased from the Mendocino Coast Bonsai in 2012 as a root stump.

– MM

Boston Ivy – Parthenocissus tricuspidata

The age of this shohin is unknown

  • It was purchased from Sandy Vrooman in 2016

  • It is in a Sara Rayner pot


 Creeping Fig – Ficus macrophylla

Also known as a Strangler Fig

  • Shohin with fruit

  • Pot by Sandy Vrooman

  • This is a slant style that was originally a creeper trained to stand upright


 Weeping Fig – Ficus Benjamin

Shohin Slant Style in an Artisan Pot

  • This tree is very difficult to keep as it is sensitive to light and heat changes


Olive – Olea

Both of these olives were purchased at the Plantings sale in 2019.  They are different species with one having slightly larger leaves and the other with smaller narrow leaves.  

When I planted the trees in their new pots I removed some low growing suckers and have started small cuttings of each.  

This first tree is planted in a Jim Gremel pot that I purchased at the last Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella and the second tree is planted in a rustic handmade pot that I had in my collection.


Unidentified Tree

This little tree was purchased during the sale at the Plantings in 2019. I don’t know what kind of tree this is and if anyone can help identify it that would be great.


Unknown Tree

I purchased this tree at the Plantings sale in 2019. It was a volunteer in a pot with another tree and I was able to rescue it and plant it in its own pot.

If anyone knows what this plant is that would be wonderful.


Shohin Display

From left to right:  California Juniper, Ginko, Azalea, Mountain Hemlock and Trident Maple. The California Juniper was started from a cutting by Yuzo Maruyama (Maruyama Bonsai Nursery) over 20 years ago. 

We were introduced to shohin bonsai by Terry Ward, a Kusamura member, specializing in mame size bonsai ( between 3-6” tall).  He started a local club on his patio which later became the Bay Area Shohin Society and still meets in San Bruno mentored by Valerie Monroe and Gordon Deeg. The California Shohin Society hosts the biennial California Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella, California where bonsai masters, teachers and students from all over the country gather to learn and share their love of Shohin bonsai.