2025 Annual Show Tasks Descriptions
Below you’ll find descriptions of the duties for each of these teams. There are many opportunities to sign-up as a volunteer.
Publicity Coordinator
Royal Hansen
Handles all pre-show publicity, such as newspapers, contacting other nearby bonsai clubs to let the public know about our show. The work of this role happens mostly in January to March. There are several publications that will run a free notice about our Annual Show, while others require a modest payment. The free publications often have lead times of several months – thus the need to wrap up the work early. Also creates and distributes show flyers for distribution to club members a couple of months before the show. Email fliers to other local bonsai clubs for distribution to their members. Recruit club members to distribute fliers to local garden centers, garden clubs.
Banner and Signs
John Mekisich, Jenn Tann, JC Zhang
Normally this requires two people to set up the Kusamura banner and signs on Friday night and Saturday and take things down on Sunday. The banner and signs are located in the club shed. This year we have access to the “Bonsai Show” banners owned by Sei Boku Bonsai Kai for use at our April show.
Friday Night Setup
Our tables will be delivered Friday between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. The table rental company will set up the exhibit tables. A few extra tables from Addison’s storage will need to be set up in Reception, front hallway. More Addison tables(2) will be needed for the kusamona display, and for demos on Saturday and Sunday. Andy may need a table for the children’s corner. Dave will need one for audio visual.
Backdrops will be delivered and assembled. About 6:00pm we will place the tablecloths and runners and do any cleanup we need to do before Saturday. ALL HANDS ON DECK
Saturday Exhibit Setup
Starts at 8:00 am. Charlene Fischer and Sean Morris, curators
In advance of the show, Charlene will prepare display cards. A team will have pre-determined a location for your tree(s). Other members will be available to help you stage stand, tree, and accents. Please, bring your trees between 8 am and 9 am. NO LATER THAN 9. If you are later than this, we will of course try to accommodate your tree. But there should be a good excuse. ALL HANDS ON DECK for other tasks
Plant Pricing and Sale
Hal Jerman and Michael Greenstein
Friday night, this team plus volunteers will price all trees and pots. After they have been priced, a MEMBERS ONLY SALE will begin. Bring tables and trees out to the sales area to begin the sale at noon Saturday and 11am Sunday. Do not allow early bird public shoppers to enter sales area until official show opening, noon on Saturday, 11am on Sunday\. Monitor the area to maintain security of our trees especially during the demos. We also need monitors in the sales area and the sales exit area to make sure trees that go through that exit are properly tagged as SOLD. No sold trees should be transported back through the exhibit area. Two or more volunteers help with tree pricing and sales. At the end of Saturday move tables and trees inside.
Food and Beverage
Lynne O’Dell, Steve O’Dell, and Jenn Tan
Friday night we will provide pizza and beverages for volunteers. (Jenn)
8:30 Saturday morning coffee/tea and donuts/pastries are appreciated by the setup crew.
Drinks will be available Saturday and Sunday throughout the day. Lunch is available in the FLEX room (up the stairs or elevator) for members from about 11:30am – 1:30 pm. Sandwiches will be supplied by the club. Members can sign up for helping to monitor this area and to bring desserts.
Show Reception Chair
Jenn Tan
Coordinates volunteers to work the reception area, welcoming our visitors on both days of the show. Makes sure that members have the necessary information and materials needed for the reception area such as sign-in books, pens, club leaflets, donation jar, etc
Show Monitors
The monitors in the public show room act as our security so nothing is damaged or stolen and also to answer questions from visitors. Monitors in the reception area should make sure that trees sold in the Sales Area are NOT transported through the exhibit area. Monitors in the Sales area should make sure no trees unpaid from walk off! Direct them around the building through the Sales Area and out. Make sure that the exhibit area is appropriately covered throughout the show.
ALERT: all members should be vigilant about trees walking off. If you see something suspicious, please stop and ask.
Children’s Corner
Andy Mayhew
This team works in the weeks before the show to assemble materials so the kids can create approximately 40 small pre bonsai or accent plants at the show. There will be tables setup for this operation. Volunteers needed to help the children and to assist Andy.
Hospitality for our Visitors
The stage area will have on display educational posters made by Richard Phillips. We will also have snacks (cookes and crackers) and hotwater and supplies for the making of tea. Volunteers will keep water in the hotpot and the baskets of snacks supplied. They will answer questions about bonsai in general and this show in particular and will be our official hosts.
Benefit Drawings Coordinator (in the demos on Saturday and Sunday)
Katherine Glassey
Donations Acquisitions: John Mekisch
Auctioneer: John Mekisch
Provide tickets for each guest who attends the demo. Do the drawing(s) at an appropriate place mid-demo.John is securing donations from area nurseries. Volunteer to assist Katherine. SIGN-UP SHEET F
Sound Team
Dave Curbow and a volunteer
We use a Public Address system to make sure everyone can hear what’s said during demonstrations. Setup must be done not long before the demo, and the equipment stored after the demo. This team requires 1-2 people working 30-minutes before and after the demo. During the demo someone must also monitor the system to adjust volume levels enable / disable microphones, etc.
Photographer Team—Sunday morning at 9am
Our photographer, Charlene, Christine
Volunteers needed to bring and return trees to photographer’s table. Volunteer needed to write down trees in sequence of photographing. SIGN-UP SHEET G
Sunday Cleanup—All Hands on Deck
Tasks include disassembly of the show backdrops and table cloths, dust mopping the floors in main show room, cleaning Room 20 (food area), vacuuming dining room and demo space (stage). Cleanup starts at 4:00 PM.
Strike”—Wrap-up and Raffle 5:30 or earliert pm outside. We are usually outta there by 6.