Over the years we’ve written many articles about different aspects of bonsai care. To make it easier to find the article you need we’ve grouped them into categories as shown below. You should also review Monthly Tasks – a check list of tasks you should do to care for your bonsai throughout the year.

General Guides

About Your New Tree - an “owner’s manual” for starter bonsai that we sell at our Annual Shows

A Year in Your Bonsai’s Life – an overview of what happens to your bonsai and tasks you need to perform over the course of a year

Tool Basics – What you need to know about buying your first set of bonsai tools

Tree Style Basics – An introduction to the various ways of styling a bonsai

Watering – How to properly water your bonsai trees

Fertilizer Basics - How to provide the nutrition your tree needs to thrive

Soil Basics - Overview of the kinds of soil mixes used to keep bonsai trees healthy

Repotting Basics - Overview of the process of repotting a bonsai tree

Species Specific

Black Pine Basics – Comprehensive illustrated article on how to perform seasonal tasks on black pines

Black Pine Decandling - a guide for performing this essential task

Refining Pines - A deep dive into development techniques for pines

Boxwood Basics – Brief, but useful, overview of boxwoods used for bonsai

Bougainvillea Basics – General information on this species with spectacular flowers that grows well in California

Ficus Basics – Overview of this tropical species that can be grown as an indoor bonsai

Moss Basics – Brief overview of how to use and care for moss in the bonsai container

Procumbens Juniper – An introduction to this easy-to-grow species suitable for beginners